Please Take Advantage Of This Free Access To My Very Best Paid Training:
Any crisis, any argument or disagreement, any life event that is difficult to navigate together can either rip a couple apart, or bring them closer together.
This is not a question of compatibility.
It is matter of skills.
If you were lucky enough to have excellent role models, and you saw your parents lovingly resolve differences in a way that brought them closer together, grew their intimacy and trust, and made them even more in love... And if your partner was also that lucky... Then you've probably got these skills automatically imprinted in your own relationship.
But for the rest of us, these skills are not intuitive, they are emotionally challenging, and most couples are not going to arrive at them by accident.
This training offers an entirely new way of gaining these skills, and based on feedback from my customers who purchased this training, it's damn near magical.
Whether you are fighting over money, sex, children, how much space or affection you want, how you want the relationship to change or stay the same, something from the past, or what you want to do together in the future... all of these things require hard conversations.
And hard conversations can quickly decay into misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and harsh words that can't be taken back... Or worse.
Talking about hard things can lead to huge, new understandings, of who your partner really is. It can lead to new acceptance and love from your partner, for who you really are. It can lead to deeper love, less stress, feeling more supported, and yes, a much better sexual relationship!
Why This Training?
This training is part of my Sexual Communication program that has helped hundreds of couples dramatically improve (and in many cases, save) their relationship.
One of my private clients told me that this specific module on "Talking About Hard Things," was the single most valuable piece of training that he had ever gone through on any subject. He has used it to work miracles in his romantic relationships, but also in relationships with business partners, old friends he had fallen out with, his children, and his ex-girlfriend.
In this challenging situation that the world finds itself in, everyone wants to do whatever they can to help. I am no different. Giving away my best training for couples that are enduring uniquely difficult times together seemed like the perfect thing.
Why Keep The Training Behind An Email Opt-In Wall?
I've already given it away to all of my current readers, but my programmer tells me that opening it up to the public could result in all kinds shenanigans, and this layer ensures that mainly people who are legitimately interested in the training will access it.
And, of course, I want to be able to communicate with exactly that kind of person because I have a lot more to share that I think you might benefit from.
I am extremely "mission driven," and getting you on my newsletter means that I can further contribute to your life by sending you announcements when I put up new free videos, blog posts, and newsletter tips for improving your romantic relationships. It allows me to grow my influence, and help more people, and hopefully generate more customers down the line.
Even if YOU never buy anything from me, the privilege of helping you is a major motivation for me, and "media-karma" is real benefit to my business. Perhaps you will watch, or even comment on one of my posts in a way that helps others. When many people watch, rate, or comment it raises my brand in the search engines, and by helping more people, my own business thrives, and it becomes a virtuous cycle.
I will treat your email with respect and neither spam you with crap, nor rent or sell your email (though I will send you emails about special promotions, sales, or launches on my programs).
And if any of this doesn't sound good for you, don't worry, every email I send you has an unsubscribe button at the bottom.